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Click here if you would like to inquire about SCS and set up a tour to visit our campus.



Once you have visited our campus, click here to apply for SCS. There is a $20 application fee per student.*



Once accepted, you will get access to enrollment directly through FACTS Family Portal. There is an enrollment fee per student.*

Once you have been enrolled at Sunnyvale Christian School your child will automatically be enrolled for the following school year. You will be charged the annual enrollment fee unless a withdrawal form is submitted.


*The application fee and enrollment fee are non refundable. Please see below for pricing.

Enrollment Fee

Preschool Registration Fee:

Elementary Registration Fee: 



Tuition Schedule


2 years full time

2 years part time

3 & 4 years full time

3 & 4 years part time

Grades TK - 5th

Extended Care (7:30AM-8:00AM)

Extended Care (2:30PM-5:30PM)

Extended Care (AM & PM)

Total Cost


















Discounts Available

You may choose one of the following:


1. Multiple Students:

First child enrolled = full tuition

Second child enrolled = 15% on lower tuition 

Third child enrolled = 20% on lowest tuition


2. Crosswalk Church Membership: 10% with a letter from the church office

Tuition Payment

Elementary: Tuition can be paid monthly over a span of 11 months: August 1st - June 1st through FACTS Management electronic payment plan.


Preschool: Tuition can be paid monthly over a span of 11 1/2 months beginning in August 1st - July 1st through FACTS Management electronic payment plan.

But those who trust in the Lord will find new strength. They will soar high on wings like eagles. They will run and not grow weary. They will walk and not faint. Isaiah 40:31

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