Sunnyvale Christian School

3 Year Olds
Room 5 & Room 6
In the 3 year old classrooms, the children are introduced to colors, a letter of the week, numbers, and basic math skills. These skills include shapes, sorting, spacial concepts, and patterns. They will also begin their pre-writing skills through tactile letters and numbers. We also teach key stories in the Bible, and include memory verses, songs, and fingerplays to support each Bible story. Some of the developmental milestones we teach are learning rhymes and poems to develop the child's pre-reading skills, weekly activities to improve fine and gross motor skills, and activities that guide a child to trace his/her name by the end of the curriculum. We at Sunnyvale Christian school believe in a balance of academic and play based learning. The 3 year olds will have a morning and afternoon recess on the playground, as well as free play/centers at different times of the day.
Room 5 & 6 Schedule
7:30-8:30 AM Opening classroom - Room 7
8:30-9:00 AM Potty time/Centers (Puzzles/Building Blocks, etc.)
9:00-9:30 AM Circle time/Bible
9:30-9:45 AM Snack
9:45-10:00 AM Potty time
10:00-10:30 AM Letter/Number/Color/Shape
10:30-11:10 AM Playground
11:10-11:30 AM Potty time/Art/Exploration
11:30-11:45 AM Story time
11:45-12:30 PM Lunch
12:30-2:30 PM Nap time
2:30-3:30 PM Potty time/snack time
3:30-4:15 PM Indoor play
4:15-4:45 PM Playground
4:45-5:30 PM Potty time/Movement/Story time

Ms. Crystal
Room 5

Ms. April
Room 6
But those who trust in the Lord will find new strength. They will soar high on wings like eagles. They will run and not grow weary. They will walk and not faint. Isaiah 40:31